Dec 7, 2008

at least

today was better than yesterday. my brother woke me up and told me he was going to drop off kristine to work. then i fell back asleep, then tisha called and i woke up again but then fell back asleep. then finally woke up around 1 cos it was hot and realized i left the computer on the whole night. then jacie asked me to go ewa seed so i got ready. jacie and tisha came over. then my brother drove us there cos we never like walk. bought our shave ice then went to geiger park and just sat down and ate our shave ice. walked home and went to jacie's house and helped her on her homework. went outside and then my dog came running to us out of nowhere. shii, she was shedding so much, the wall was filled with all her fur. then went to walk her with jacie and when we came home, we was just playing soccer. my dog kept getting scared everytime the ball rolled by her. today was a first in a long time that i saw jacie.

ugh almost done with sheila's work. just got 12 more problems then i'm done. i'm gonna go finish it. bye.

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