Jan 15, 2009

in third period

bells gonna ring soooon
byeeee hahahahha.

school was alright. afterschool was fun. got to chill with noli & blake again at genki's just like before. talked stories and was laughing so much. hahahha frickn noli was playing with the letter N in genki and the thing came off the wall bwhaahhah. went to starbucks and ewa seeed after and bought shave ice. had so much people at geiger so we decided to go there. then we found out that there's no school tomorrow and we was all happy. blake and noli was gonna walk me half way home but then noli kept complaining cos he said he had to make doodooo and me and blake was just making trouble. i got picked up by my brother instead and he took me home.

the storms comin! hahahah yay 4 day weekend. gotta charge everything up just in case there's a blackout.

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