Feb 11, 2009

have you ever noticed,

that when the flies settle down, they rub their legs together?! it's like they're preparing to feast or something! hahahahhaha
omgoodness, today was a very interesting day. first period i did my work. second period talked stories. third period, me and sheila was having fun typing to the songs. fourth period was like whoa.

afterschool, was at jasmine's house with sheila and we ate and talked stories and tweaked on the ds. went home fast kine then back to her house. we like sat in her room just talking about some interesting stuffs for like hours. like all these kine questions that no one really brought up. it all made sense, but yet we still wonder O_O oh man i was trippin' out big time. i was like getting chills and i was getting scared. then jasmine's dad took us wal mart and my dad was getting mad at me just cos i never go home. hopefully i can go out friday.

i learned a whole lotta new stuff today ;]

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