Mar 4, 2009


is a liar! he's not a one sheet quicker-picker-upper, more like three sheet quicker-picker-upper. what false advertisement >;[ hmph!

STFU SHEILA STOP SINGING!AHAHAHAH shes like playing piano and singing so ugly. bleeeh.

today was a pretty good day. we was happy in school just like yesterday and the day before that. and then on the way home me and sheila kept laughing in the car because what my brother and ethan was talking about was so funny. yaaay we got our cheesy double beef burrito with baha blast ;D i'm gonna learn how to play bogoshipda! cos sheila said so ahahahha, i got the first part of the first part lmao.

mmmhm yea have a nice day kkbyeeee ;]

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